Electric BMWs Blog Post

The 2023 i7
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The 2023 i7: BMW's first fully-electric Luxury SedanAs we drive the world forward into the new age of electric mobility, BMW has announced they are expanding their electric lineup. Our latest edition, the first fully electric BMW I7 Sedan, combines electric performance and multisensory entertainment, coming together to create an unforgettable driving experience.With minimal environmental impact, the...

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Forces of Nature
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BMW Forces of Nature Series: Kisik Clean EnergyDid you know 80% of total energy consumed by humans is derived from fossil fuels? The resulting, large quantity of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere contribute to climate change and drastically and negatively affect the world as we know it. Thankfully, renewable energy, such as wind, solar power and hydro, are slow becoming amongst the fastest...

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Service Centre
bmw 467x261 service maintenance 2021

BMW NANAIMO SERVICE BMW NANAIMO SERVICE Together with your BMW, you've been on many roads and many adventures -- all representing different chapters of your shared story. A story that is far from ending. With BMW Nanaimo Service, you can keep your BMW running smoothly on the road ahead with attractive and transparent prices, and care that is perfectly tailored to your needs. Book Your...

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